The Dew Drop Classroom at Indi Kids is designed for toddlers ages 12 months through 24 months. The learning environment is structured around seven areas of focus: dramatic play, science, math and manipulatives, music and movement, reading, fine and gross motor play and the block area. Throughout each area, the children gradually accomplish tasks that they can build upon.
The teachers of the Dew Drop classroom assist the children in acquiring more advanced methods of communicating as well as beginning understanding of cause and effect in both social and academic experiences. Both the classroom and the curriculum are designed to provide positive experiences that encourage learning at each stage of development. In an effort to foster each child's ability to contribute to their community, the teachers of the Dew Drop classroom focus on building positive relationships realizing that they are essential for the development of personal responsibility, regulating emotions, constructive interaction with others, and the mastery of academic functionality. The positive relationships between the children and their teachers as well as other classmates, will help the children gain the benefits of instructional experiences along with an assortment of resources to aid development. Children who see themselves as highly valued are more likely to feel secure, thrive physically, get along with others and feel as if they are a part of a community.
In the Dew Drops classroom, children will receive tender, loving care from each of our staff members working in the classroom. Positive relationships between their teachers and their peers will help children to feel a sense of security, allow them to thrive physically, give them the opportunity to get along with others, and feel as if they are part of the community.