Indi Kids collaborates with different programs at IUP, community resources, school functions, and event locations!
There is no additional charge to families for any of the IUP and Homer-Center services we are in collaboration with.
There is no additional charge to families for any of the IUP and Homer-Center services we are in collaboration with.
Speech, Language, & Hearing ClinicThe IUP Speech and Language Clinic offers services to qualifying children here at our university site!
Book TalkIndi Kids teams with the IUP Speech, Language, and Hearing Clinic to allow children the opportunity to explore different books and participate in specifically designed literacy activities through a program called Book Talk! Through this program children are given the opportunity to practice their speaking, attention and listening, thinking, and early literacy skills like vocabulary, grammar, sound awareness, and letter knowledge.
Therapists, Early Intervention, ARINWe are here to support all children throughout our community, and it is through the help of our outside supports like the different therapists, early intervention specialists, special education teachers, and local ARIN Intermediate Unit professionals that we are able to offer high-quality care and education in our inclusive classrooms.
Homer-Center Elementary
Gym, Library, School Events Our Homer-Center Pre-K Counts program is happy to team with the school district to be able to have access to the gymnasium where the children can expand their gross motor skills and expel some energy. The Pre-K classroom also has access to the library where they can tap into their early literacy skills and explore the many children's books in their collection. We are fortunate our students have the opportunity to see different classrooms and meet the teachers they will soon see in Kindergarten. They also get to share in the school events during the school year!
IUP Faculty, Sports Teams,
& Clubs Indi Kids has had the privilege of teaming with different IUP faculty members, sports teams, and clubs throughout the years. In the last few years alone, our young children have had the opportunity to do the following:
1. "Train" with the IUP soccer team to learn the importance of working on their gross motor skills and team work. 2. Be an audience in the holiday orchestra presented by IUP music students. Here they were also given the opportunity to freely explore and play instruments from around the world. 3. Walk through the IUP gardens and smell the flowers with a generous tour from an IUP professor and ecologist. 4. Have had many visits from Officer Mike and other IUP Campus Police officers who love to check up on the children, talk with them about safety, and even let them see the police car and listen to the sirens. |
IUP LandmarksBeing conveniently located on IUP campus, our classrooms are able to take walks around campus and visit its many landmarks, businesses, and facilities. Our children love to see the outdoor artwork, sculptures, and fountains, listen to the music playing in the Oak Grove, stop and smell the flowers at the IUP gardens, watch the IUP students playing sports outside, visit the outdoor learning center and visit the koi fish in the pond, and pass the friendly neighborhood squirrels!
Field TripsDuring the summer months, many of our classrooms have the opportunity to go on field trips in our community. Some places our kiddos have gotten to experience is Mack Park, different state parks in our area, museums, science and exploratory centers, and much more!